Category: Volume 12, Issue 2,2018
Hits: 580


Background: The diagnosis of Helicobacter negative gastritis made when a pathologist
recognizes the characteristic features of Helicobacter gastritis, but no bacteria can be detected by
special stains.
Aim: To know the local incidence and histomorphological pattern of Helicobacter negative
gastritis, especially its association with intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia in gastric biopsies.
Methods: Gastric biopsy cases were selected from database of Tripoli medical center from 2002
to 2008. The biopsies were assessed for the parameters as per revised Sydney System. The age,
gender and the microscopic findings in the gastric biopsies were tabulated and analysed.
Conclusion: Based on these results, Helicobacter negative gastritis is a common disease with the
progression of atrophy, metaplasia and dysplasia that deserve further investigation.
Key wards: Helicobacter negative gastritis, Helicobacter positive gastritis

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