Category: Volume 9, Issue 2,2015
Hits: 603

Back and neck pain are major problem amongst the growing number of seated
workers, and enormous therapeutic and ergonomic design effort goes into reducing these
problems. Educating the correct posture, choosing the right ergonomic chair, and readjusting
the workstation have become very important element in any therapeutic plan. The objective of
this study is to identify the difference in five spinal and pelvic angles between the selfselected and standardized position while sitting on the kneeling chair in healthy subjects.
Fifteen healthy subjected (≥18 years) participated in this pilot study. The spinal angles (neck
angle, head tilt, cervico-thoracic, thoracic and lumbar angle) and pelvic tilt angle were
measured while sitting on the kneeling chair in self-selected and standard position. The study
showed a significant difference in the ,lumbar spine and pelvic tilt angle when comparing the
sitting posture with and without instructions. Che study revealed that sitting on a specially
designed chair does not position the body in neutral alignment, but it can be achieved by
educating subjects on the correct sitting posture.

Keywords: Back pain, neck pain, sitting posture, kneeling chair

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