Category: Volume 16 Issue 1
Hits: 1078


Identification of causes and complications of chronic kidney disease in patients on dialysis is essential
for improving the quality of patients life. Immunosuppressive or immune suppressant drugs or antirejection drugs are employed to prevent different autoimmune diseases. The major side effects of
these drugs are hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia. 60 patients undergoing dialysis
treatment for more than six months were studied in Zawia kidney hospital. The major cause of endstage renal disease patients was non genetic (50%), genetic (41.7%), followed by unknown (8.3%). 50
patients for the maintenance immunosuppressive regimen of the study population mainly included
Cyclosporine, and Tacrolimus. The result shown that, 45 patients had hypertension after kidney
transplantation about 90% of all patients, followed by 34 patients had high level of cholesterol, while
31 patients had diabetes after kidney transplantation in this study, there for explain more the
complication of immune suppressive drugs. Conclusion, The kidney failure patients is an incurable
and continued progression disease that has dialysis as a treatment, or kidney transplantation, Finding
All renal allograft recipients experienced are related to the adverse reaction. Prolongation of
immunosuppressive treatment resulted in an increase in adverse drug reactions.


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